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Elizabeth, I was so excited to see your name pop up again here at HogPro!!! And I completely lost my head when you brought up the Silver Chair because I had to go rummaging to find it so I could reread it, which meant it was a while before I could attempt to answer the question you posed. Now that I've had my Marshwiggle fix, I have a reason to suggest that the Strike books are Great Books.

They are great because, just like Puddleglum, Robin and Cormoran are complex characters full of irritating, comedic, tragic and heroic qualities that endear them to the reader. Just the title was enough to make me a little frantic I'd forgotten the special place I'd given a series I'd sobbed through the first time I read it over 40 years ago.

The Strike books also have winsome characters whose traumatic pasts have dealt them significant challenges for their present situations. They make mistakes, take infuriating risks, and yet never lose their sense of humor or knack for seeing what others fail to see. And that is down to their creator, a legendary author in her own time.

In short, Great Books have endearing characters created by Great Authors.

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