Mar 1Liked by Nick Jeffery

Mercy. Yeah it seemed weird to me too. Glad for your note.

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Nick, I think you've just about sold me! You lay out a really good case here.

I think it would also retroactively make sense of Charlotte's fake-out exits in the last few books. You and I have talked about the bizarre repetitiveness of Cormoran kicking Charlotte out of his life in the last three books only for it not to stick... That makes a lot more sense if Books 4-7 are building up Charlotte's suicide to be investigated in the latter half of the 4-thru-10 ring.

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Thank you Irvin! And happy Thanksgiving!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Nick Jeffery

Nick, your thoughts on this possibility are fascinating to me and would be “so Rowling” if proven to be true. Seeing Strike solve this mystery would tie nicely together with the discovery of Leda’s killer and be the story arc of the last three books along with his relationship with Robin. Which death mystery will be solved first - Leda or Charlotte?

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Thank you, Kelly! My money is on Charlotte in book 8 to latch the 1-7, 8-10 sets together.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Nick Jeffery

That makes sense. Leda will be the last mystery he solves.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Nick Jeffery

These speculations are so interesting! I do agree that we were given an awfully long recap of Charlotte’s family, for a character who is exiting the narrative. And, I’m most intrigued by the connections you make to the death of Juliet, and to your catch of the name Simon. One more reason to eagerly anticipate book eight!

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